"Mathematics is the most beautiful and most powerful creation of the human spirit."  Stefan Banach


Here is a list of my research articles

Work in progress

  • Large deviations for compact groups and multivariate projections of uniform distributions, with Z. Kabluchko


  • Large deviation behavior of lacunary sums, with L. Frühwirth and M. Juhos
  • Random sections of lp-ellipsoids, optimal recovery, and Gelfand numbers of diagonal operators, with A. Hinrichs and M. Sonnleitner
  • On the volume of intersections of p-ellipsoids, with M. Juhos
  • Projections of the uniform distribution on the cube - a large deviation perspective, with Z. Kabluchko and S. Johnston
  • On the spherical dispersion, with S. Breneis and D. Rudolf
  • Approximation, Gelfand, and Kolmogorov numbers of Schatten class embeddings, with M. Strzelecki
  • Limit theorems for the log-volume of random simplices from rotationally invariant distributions, with J. Heiny and S. Johnston
  • Large deviations for lacunary sums, with C. Aistleitner, N. Gantert, Z. Kabluchko, and K. Ramanan
  • Thin-shell concentration for random vectors in Orlicz balls via moderate deviations and Gibbs measures, with D. Alonso-Gutiérrez
  • Sharp concentration for the largest and smallest piece in a k-regular self-similar fragmentation, with P. Dyszewski, N. Gantert, S. Johnston, and D. Schmid
  • A Maxwell principle for generalized Orlicz balls, with S. Johnston
  • Faà di Bruno's formula and inversion of power series, with S. Johnston
  • Berry-Esseen bounds for random projections of lp-balls, with S. Johnston

To Appear

  • Random sections of ellipsoids and the power of random information, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., to appear (2021+), with A. Hinrichs, D. Krieg, E. Novak, and M. Ullrich
  • Gelfand numbers of embeddings of Schatten classes, Math. Ann., to appear (2021+), with A. Hinrichs and J. Vybíral
  • Limit theorems for random points in a simplex, Adv. Appl. Probab., to appear (2021+), with A. Baci, Z. Kabluchko, M. Sonnleitner, and C. Thäle
  • A new look at random projections of the cube and general product measures, Bernoulli, to appear (2021+), with Z. Kabluchko and C. Thäle


  • Large deviations, moderate deviations, and the KLS conjecture, J. Funct. Anal. 280 (1) (2021), 1-33, with D. Alonso-Gutiérrez and C. Thäle
  • Statistical independence in mathematics - the key to a Gaussian law, Math. Semesterberichte 68 (1) (2021), 69-104, with G. Leobacher
  • The maximum entropy principle and volumetric properties of Orlicz balls, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 495 (1) (2021), 1-19, with Z. Kabluchko
  • High-dimensional limit theorems for random vectors in lp-balls. II, Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (3) (2021), 3-17, with Z. Kabluchko and C. Thäle


  • Intersections of unit balls in classical matrix ensembles, Israel J. Math. 239 (1) (2020), 129-172, with Z. Kabluchko and C. Thäle
  • Tractability properties of the discrepancy in Orlicz norms, J. Complexity 61 (2020), 1-9, with J. Dick, A. Hinrichs, and F. Pillichshammer
  • Exact asymptotic volume and volume ratio of Schatten unit balls, J. Approx. Theory 257 (2020), 1-13, with Z. Kabluchko and C. Thäle
  • On the power of random information, Radon Ser. Comput. Appl. Math. 27 (2020), 43-64, with A. Hinrichs, D. Krieg, E. Novak, and M. Ullrich
  • Sanov-type large deviations in Schatten classes, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 56 (2) (2020), 928-953, with Z. Kabluchko and C. Thäle
  • Embeddings of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces into L1, Algebra i Analiz 30 (1) (2020), 78-93
  • Yet another note on the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, Studia Math. 253 (1) (2020), 39-55, with Z. Kabluchko and V. Vysotskiy











